I was wondering through Gordon's Wines & Liquor shop a couple of weeks ago in search of some viognier-based wines for a wine tasting that I was hosting, and came across this bottle in their "Other Varietals" section. Earlier this year, I read "
At Home in the Vineyard", which was written by Susan Sokol Blosser and tells the history of the
Sokol Blosser Winery. I enjoyed the book quite a bit because it talks about the struggles & triumphs of building a winery from scratch (I fundamentally disagree with Susan's seemingly cavalier attitude towards divorce as it spoke a little too close to home for me, but that's a side story). The final chapters of the book discuss the development and legal issues of the wine that became Evolution, so when I saw a bottle, I had to buy and taste it. Quite frankly--I was pleased that I had the opportunity to try this wine!
Sokol Blosser Evolution, Lucky Edition
Country of origin: United StatesAppellation: Oregon
Varietal: blend of 9 varietals (riesling is definitely involved)
Stats: 12% ABVCost: $18 at Gordon's Wines & Liquor, Waltham, MA
Appearance: Light straw yellow, crystal clear
Aroma: Flowers! Pineapple, guava, & maybe some lichee fruit, with a final touch of apricots
Taste: The nose definitely repeats in this wine. Clean & crisp. Medium bodied white that leaves a pleasantly clean fruity taste on your tongue. Slightly sweet finish, although that is probably just perceived sweetness.